American citizens between the ages of 18 and 35, possessing a degree/certification or relevant work experience in their preferred field of work are invited to apply.
Most French private and public businesses located in France. Teaching programs in the public school system are not eligible.
• Full-time (35 hours/week)
• 3 to 18 months in duration
• Employee must be paid at least the French minimum wage known as the SMIC
• The employment contract must be a “Contrat à Durée Déterminée” (CDD)
Required candidate application materials:
Required French Host Company materials:
(1) – Secure a job offer in France. See our tips and resources for more information.
See our tips and resources for more information
(2) – Contact the FACC-NY for visa application materials to be completed by applicant and French Host Company
(3) – After the FACC-NY receives your completed application materials, your Account Manager will begin the reviewal and submission process. Please allow 2 weeks for your Account Manager to review application documents and submit to the French Office for Immigration and Integration (OFII).
(4) – Once your application has been reviewed and approved by OFII, you will receive confirmation to visit the VFS Global Center closest to your hometown in the US to obtain your visa. Note: OFII approval times can vary throughout the year.
(5) – Start your professional training in France and make the most of your cultural exchange experience. Make sure to keep in touch with the FACC-NY!
Discover some of the key supporters of the FACC-NY