Join the FACC and access our comprehensive range of experiences, networks and opportunities. Join now

Facc ny community

Join the largest French American business community, and access our comprehensive range of experiences, networks and opportunities designed to empower successful business relationships between French and American professionals.

Leverage our network of 750+ members in New York—from publicly traded corporations to entrepreneurs—in a variety of industries including luxury, fashion,  food & beverage, finance, technology, law, accounting and more.

We connect our members through customized introductions, segmented industry events and online networking tools.

Whether you are looking to connect with peers, prospects, or strategic partners, our Membership team is here to support you at every stage of your business journey.

The FACC-NY Network at a Glance


Represented industries

At the FACC-NY, we pride ourselves on the diversity of our community. Our members represent French and American companies of all sizes, professionals at every level of their career, and representatives of all key sectors that make the local French-American business landscape.

Join now, and start networking right away via our online Member directory!

Core Membership Benefits – all levels :

Member Directory Access

1-1 Direct Introductions to Members

Access to FACC-NY Events at a preferential rate

Visibility and Communications to leverage our online reach to share your company news and industry insights

Access to our CareerConnect platform to post or apply for job opportunities

Our Corporate Members

Discover some of the key supporters of the FACC-NY


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33 W 46th St STE 800,
New York, NY 10036

By appointment only

(212) 867-0123