Exchange Visitors: Safety During Protest

J-1 & YE | June 10, 2020

Dear Exchange Visitors,

As your J-1 Visa sponsor, the French-American Chamber of Commerce’s primary concern is the health, safety, and well-being of all our exchange visitors. It is our goal to promote equal opportunities for cultural exchange and professional training.

You have no doubt been following national news and witnessed the recent protests and civil unrest across the country. The U.S. Constitution safeguards the freedom of speech, expression, and assembly, and public protest is a traditional part of these rights.

We urge all exchange visitors to exercise caution in these uncertain times.

Stay informed by watching local news reports, and follow guidance from your city and state as conditions vary widely from place to place. Please continue to respect your local stay-at-home orders and any curfews implemented.

If you have any questions or concerns or have been impacted either by the COVID-19 pandemic or the nationwide protests, please contact your FACC Account Manager immediately or reach out to or check out our Exchange Visitor FAQs here.