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Women in Business Mentee application

    The Mentoring Program is twelve months in length. During this period, it is expected that the Mentee and Mentor will meet at least 7 times throughout the year and attend 3 workshops/events hosted by the Mentorship Cohort (or for additional sessions as the pair deems
    appropriate and feasible).

    Expectations of the Mentee

    1 – Commit to investing time and effort in personal development & develop personal goals.
    2 – Plan the agenda for each meeting, and ensure the agenda is communicated to the Mentor in advance.
    3 – Take brief notes of actions agreed at each meeting & complete specific development actions agreed with the Mentor.
    4 – Be open with the Mentor about own challenges and barriers.
    5 – Be open to feedback and suggestions from the Mentor & provide appropriate feedback to the mentor.

    First Name*

    Last Name*

    Are you or your company a member of the FACC-NY?

    Current Professional Activities (functions, areas of responsibility, expertise, etc)

    Years of experience

    Brief Background of your Career Development

    LinkedIn Profile Link OR Link to your Resume

    What are your greatest professional talents (as seen by you and by others)?

    What are the main professional challenges you have faced in your career?

    What are you most proud of having accomplished so far in your career?

    Where do you ideally see yourself in your career in the next three to five years?

    What do you think you need to reach the next level of your career?

    Have you already had an experience in mentoring?

    If yes, what is your best professional experience in regard to mentoring (as a mentor or a mentee)?

    Why are you applying to the Women in Business Mentoring Program*

    Indicate 2 industries and your preferred company size for the mentor you would most likely be paired with

    Anything else the Women in Business Committee should know about your application?

    Additional Comments

    Please prove you are human by selecting the flag.


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    33 W 46th St STE 800,
    New York, NY 10036

    By appointment only

    (212) 867-0123