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Women in Business Mentor Application

    Women in Business Mentor Application
    The Mentoring Program is twelve months in length. During this period, it is expected that the Mentee and Mentor will meet at least 7 times throughout the year and attend 3 workshops/events hosted by the Mentorship Cohort (or for additional sessions as the pair deems appropriate and feasible).

    Expectations of the Mentor:

    1 – Anticipate and commit to investing time and effort in the mentoring relationship.
    2 – Put best effort into completing any specific support actions agreed with the Mentee.
    3 – Be responsive to the Mentee between meetings.
    4 – Provide guidance, feedback, encouragement, and challenge to the Mentee.
    5 – Maintain confidentiality.

    First Name*

    Last Name*


    Phone Number*

    Link to LinkedIn

    Are you or your company a member of the FACC-NY?

    Job Title*


    Number of Years of experience in your industry*

    Current professional activities (functions, areas of responsibility, expertise …)*

    Have you already had an experience in mentoring (as a mentor or a mentee)?*

    If yes, what is your best professional experience in regard to mentoring (as a mentor or a mentee)?*

    List 2 main expectations you have from the Women in Business Mentoring Program?

    Anything else the Women in Business Committee should know about you as a mentor?*

    Please prove you are human by selecting the tree.


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    33 W 46th St STE 800,
    New York, NY 10036

    By appointment only

    (212) 867-0123