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Women in Business Mentor Application The Mentoring Program is twelve months in length. During this period, it is expected that the Mentee and Mentor will meet at least 7 times throughout the year and attend 3 workshops/events hosted by the Mentorship Cohort (or for additional sessions as the pair deems appropriate and feasible).
Expectations of the Mentor:
1 – Anticipate and commit to investing time and effort in the mentoring relationship. 2 – Put best effort into completing any specific support actions agreed with the Mentee. 3 – Be responsive to the Mentee between meetings. 4 – Provide guidance, feedback, encouragement, and challenge to the Mentee. 5 – Maintain confidentiality.
First Name*
Last Name*
Phone Number*
Link to LinkedIn
Are you or your company a member of the FACC-NY?
Job Title*
Number of Years of experience in your industry*
Current professional activities (functions, areas of responsibility, expertise …)*
Have you already had an experience in mentoring (as a mentor or a mentee)?*
If yes, what is your best professional experience in regard to mentoring (as a mentor or a mentee)?*
List 2 main expectations you have from the Women in Business Mentoring Program?
Anything else the Women in Business Committee should know about you as a mentor?*
Please prove you are human by selecting the flag.
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33 W 46th St STE 800, New York, NY 10036
By appointment only
(212) 867-0123